Tuesday, November 29, 2011

2011 Refection

This year we had to fill in a reflection sheet to see what we have improved 
on and what we need to work on. 
I found it quite hard but it was also fun.
Here is mine:
I found it interesting to actually see what I had learnt!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tena koe Hannah,

You were very busy this week creating your scale model of your band rotunda.  I was impressed with you and Sophie's critical thought about what materials to use...I think you were wise not to use plasticine for the whole thing!  I hope you get it finished next week, you have worked hard to make sure it is an accurate model!

Enjoy your last week at Enrich


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Last week Kerry came in to teach us cartooning.
It was so fun. We learnt how to do caricatures and cartoons.
For the caricatures we got to copy a caricature from the All Blacks.
I did the All Blacks coach. It looked great. We also learnt how to change a characters expressions by adding in dots and lines.
We also Watched a YouTube clip on caricatures.

Habits of mind!

Today we learnt some more habits of mind.
They are Persistance, that is where you stick to something you can't complete, Responding with wonderment and awe, that is when you use your expressions when you see something cool. The last one was taking responsible risks, that is when you take a risk that is NOT dumb, stupid or silly.
It was really fun.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two Stars and a wish.

Two Stars and a wish is something people at Enrich do to look back at a term they just had.
Here is my two stars and a wish for term 3

Star 1# : Talent Development - I had lots of fun designing and making a movie with Sophie.
Star 2# : Re-buses - They have been really cool this term.
Wish: To work on my writing skills.

I can't wait for next term!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi Hannah
I am so impressed with the scenes that you and Sophie have created for your story!  You have both spent a lot of time to get them just the way you want them.  I am really looking forward to the completion of your story on Garageband - the use of different voices, sound effects and background music will help to enhance your images even more.  Well done on your great effort!

Talent Development!

Today for talent development we finished making our scenes for our story
and have started putting them into Garageband to make our actual story that
we will then enter into the MADE Awards and we hope we will win!
Next week is the last week we have to finish everything.
Here is another on of our scenes that we really like.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Talent Development

Today for Talent Development I edited my script for story writing.
It's coming along really well and I am hoping to be finished next week because I need to start
making my movie to enter into the MADE Awards.
Today I also made a few more scenes for the story.

This one is where the bad guy (Rodger) has crashed the 
plane on purpose and is about to leave Savanna by herself in the desert.

Talent Development!

Today Sophie and I learnt how to use Kid-Pix.
It was so fun but Sophie and I have decided to use Garageband for
our story. We have started to plan what our scenes will look like.
We have done a few and they look awesome.
Here is one we have done!
This one is when the post man is dropping a letter
of to Cleopatra from Savanna her daughter!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hi Hannah.
You had a busy writing session yesterday!  It was great to see you and Sophie nearing the end of your story writing, and looking towards producing it using either Garageband or Kid-Pix.  You listened, and were patient during the overview of Kid-Pix, and you used the rest of your time wisely to continue with your writing, as well as trying out the new skills you learnt with Kid-Pix.  You always have such a positive, can-do attitude.  It's great to see you working so well.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Today Katie taught us how to use Garageband, it was awesome.

We learnt how to change the voices to fit what character was speaking. 
We also learnt how to put pictures onto Garageband and to time them with our speaking

 Before we did that Katie read us a chapter of Matilda, we are reading Matilda
because it was written by Roald Dahl and he uses heaps of descriptive words.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Story Writing!

This week for Talent Development we looked at 
Roald Dahl's book "Matilda" - it is awesome. We also listened to an interview on his website! 
We are trying some of the things he does in his writing for our own stories to make them better!
One of my favourite things he did in his stories is word pictures, that is when you
use adjectives to make your characters sound more interesting so that you can picture them in your head!

Talent Development!

Last week during Talent Development Sophie and I were writing our script for our story but we haven't finished it yet we still have to add some things in to make it better!
I hope that when we are finished that it's an amazing story because 
we will be entering it into the New Zealand MADE Awards!
Sophie and I are going to be the voices of the characters so
it is like we are actually the characters!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Talent Development!

Today for Talent Development we started planing our narrative story.
It was awesome!

I am writing my story about a girl in a plane crash.
We had to sort out every section in a narrative so that it is perfect!

I haven't finished my plan yet but I hope it is going to be good!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Term 3 Talent Development

Today was the first day of the term at Enrich so we got to pick what Talent Development we are going to do.

There were three options, Documentary making, Story Writing and Art.
I picked story writing.
Today we started by reading fairy tales and seeing what things they have in common and what things are different.

When we have finished making our stories we are going to enter them into the MADE Awards and the prize is an i-pad for Enrich!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Teacher comment

Hannah you have consistently managed your time well, and have completed all set tasks to a very high standard.  You always have a positive attitude towards the challenges you face, and seek out these challenges frequently.  During ICT talent development you have increased your knowledge and skills hugely, spending much of your own time furthering these skills.  You made a great job of sharing your new learning with others!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2 Stars and a Wish

Today is the last day of term two at Enrich.
2 Stars and a Wish is 2 things that you enjoyed and 1 wish that might be spending time more wisely, getting things finished or what you want to do better.

My two stars are 1) Talent Development, I did ICT for my Talent Development.
                           2) Doing workshops like P4C that get you thinking. 

My wish is I want to learn more ICT skills like how to use activinspire.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Perfectionism Task

Today the whole class did a perfectionism task. A perfectionism task helps us not to 
expect our selves to be good at everything!

Today we did acting. We had to get into groups of three, I went with Jemma and Sophie.
The play we did was Little Red Riding Hood.

We only had five minutes to do it with NO  props. It was so hard.

I think we did pretty good and it was still really fun.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

REM Robot

Last week we made the most simple robot to make but it was NOT simple. We had to find all the pieces to make it!

Today we programmed it to move. We had to go onto MINDSTORMZ to get them to move and it was harder than having to find all the pieces.
In the end we got it moving and I was so excited!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gifted Week!

This week is Gifted week, I'm writing
what giftedness means to me.
Giftedness to me is thinking creatively and working at a higher level than other kids my age.
Enrich isn't like normal school because we have a flexible time table, that's why I am
lucky to go.
Giftedness is having good task commitment to the things that you are passionate about.
I am passionate about writing and art.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Leader-board Chess

This morning the whole class had to do a game of leader-board chess.  I played Jemma.

It was so fun and challenging like a puzzle.

It involves strategy and maths.

I won because I put Jemma in checkmate.

Checkmate is when you make a move and then there is no way your challenger can move his/her king to get away and be safe.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Talent Development!

This term we are doing talent development.
I'm doing ICT/Robots. It is so fun.I have learnt how to use Alice 2.2 and it is amazing.

One thing I have learnt on Alice is now I know how to make things move around and talk.

Now we are going to learn Scratch it is going to be fun as well.
At the end of the term we are going to make a tutorial about one of the things we have learnt!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Joseph Renzulli

Joseph Renzulli is a man that studies giftedness.
He made this three ring model of giftedness.
These three sentences "Above Average Ability, Task commitment and Creativity"  are what Renzulli thought you needed to have to be gifted!
Above Average Ability means you work higher than what you need to so your higher than the rest of your people in your age group.
Creativity means thinking out side of the box.
Task commitment means if you say your going to do something you actually do it.
If you are all of these things Renzulli would think you were gifted!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Speed Thinking Challenge

At the start of the year we did a speed thinking challenge and that is where you have do get an activity done 5 minutes.
It was really hard!!!

One of the challenges was where there was a box that was full of rice and in the rice where different objects.
You had to stick your hand in and then find an object.
Next you had to feel it and write down what it was.

There were all sorts of objects like spoons, shells, blocks and I also think there was a fake worm thing, it was really gross!

There was another puzzle called leap frog puzzle where you had to get frogs onto the other side.
On another one you had a puzzle
and you had to get as much of it done in 5 minutes!


Last week I did profiling with Sarah.
It was so fun and sort of confusing at the same time and that is why I liked it.

Profiling is seeing what things are most like you.
There is one section in it where you highlight things that you need as in things you need to learn or develop.

There were things like "to be challenged " and "to take risks"

There is another section and that section was things we do get like "Do we already get encouragement ?"
I really liked it and I would do it again!!!

I learned that I was creative, expressive, honest and I 
also learned that I make good choices!!!!! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Multiple Intelligences.

Today we learnt what our multiple intelligences mean.

It was really fun.
The one that was mostly like me was body smart/kinaesthetic.

That means using my body to make some thing.
With my body I make dance. The type of dance I make is Rock'n'Roll .

I am not picture smart so that means I don't visualize things to under stand what it means.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cutest Blog on the Block

Today I learnt how to use cutest blog on the block. 

Cutest blog on the block is where you can get new backgrounds for your blog.
I got "glee" because I love "glee" but you can also get backgrounds with flowers and bows. 
It was really hard to pick because they were all so pretty.

Today I also did put a blurb about me and Enrich on my blog.
 I thought that was fun as well. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moment in History

Today we did Moment in History.

We focused on Discovery the space shuttle who has just retired.
The other space shuttles weren't as reliable as Discovery.

Discovery carried up a hubble space telescope.
A hubble space telescope is like a camera but it take pictures of planets or other things in space.                

We had to make a news paper about this. It was so fun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I did the Questioning workshop with Alana today.

I learnt what closed questions are and what open questions are. An open question is where you get heaps of information so on an open question you should add a why.

A closed question is where you can only get a simple answer usually a yes or a no. 

So a open question is harder question to ask and answer, but it is usually far more useful.

Multiple Intelligences

Today I explored my  Multiple Intelligences.

We learnt what kind of person we are.

These are the intelligences that there are:  body smart, nature smart, picture smart,  music smart,  myself smart,  word smart,   number smart,  people smart. Here is my chart.

My chart tells me I am more body smart than any thing else and I'm not very picture or music smart.
I'm not quite sure what this but I'm going to find out what it means.


Co-Operative Game Organisation .

Today Sophie and I were on organizing the co-operative game.

We played shoot . It is a game we learnt from school but we changed it around a little bit.

At school you do it in one big group but at Enrich we divided people into groups of three who competed against another group of three.

The group with the most points won!!!  

I think people liked the game because Sophie and I love it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doing art.

Today I did art . It was really fun but also still very hard at the same time.

The kind of art we did was still life painting.  I was learning about shading.

I was painting and shading fruit that was in front of me .

Field Trip.

The other week I went on a field trip to the Board-walk , Town square and a Early childhood center.

It was really fun! We were looking for interactions.

I found heaps of interactions. An interaction is were two things work with each other and then gives something back.

For example, a child started talking to another one and the child that was being talked to, talked back.