Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Multiple Intelligences.

Today we learnt what our multiple intelligences mean.

It was really fun.
The one that was mostly like me was body smart/kinaesthetic.

That means using my body to make some thing.
With my body I make dance. The type of dance I make is Rock'n'Roll .

I am not picture smart so that means I don't visualize things to under stand what it means.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cutest Blog on the Block

Today I learnt how to use cutest blog on the block. 

Cutest blog on the block is where you can get new backgrounds for your blog.
I got "glee" because I love "glee" but you can also get backgrounds with flowers and bows. 
It was really hard to pick because they were all so pretty.

Today I also did put a blurb about me and Enrich on my blog.
 I thought that was fun as well. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moment in History

Today we did Moment in History.

We focused on Discovery the space shuttle who has just retired.
The other space shuttles weren't as reliable as Discovery.

Discovery carried up a hubble space telescope.
A hubble space telescope is like a camera but it take pictures of planets or other things in space.                

We had to make a news paper about this. It was so fun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I did the Questioning workshop with Alana today.

I learnt what closed questions are and what open questions are. An open question is where you get heaps of information so on an open question you should add a why.

A closed question is where you can only get a simple answer usually a yes or a no. 

So a open question is harder question to ask and answer, but it is usually far more useful.

Multiple Intelligences

Today I explored my  Multiple Intelligences.

We learnt what kind of person we are.

These are the intelligences that there are:  body smart, nature smart, picture smart,  music smart,  myself smart,  word smart,   number smart,  people smart. Here is my chart.

My chart tells me I am more body smart than any thing else and I'm not very picture or music smart.
I'm not quite sure what this but I'm going to find out what it means.


Co-Operative Game Organisation .

Today Sophie and I were on organizing the co-operative game.

We played shoot . It is a game we learnt from school but we changed it around a little bit.

At school you do it in one big group but at Enrich we divided people into groups of three who competed against another group of three.

The group with the most points won!!!  

I think people liked the game because Sophie and I love it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doing art.

Today I did art . It was really fun but also still very hard at the same time.

The kind of art we did was still life painting.  I was learning about shading.

I was painting and shading fruit that was in front of me .

Field Trip.

The other week I went on a field trip to the Board-walk , Town square and a Early childhood center.

It was really fun! We were looking for interactions.

I found heaps of interactions. An interaction is were two things work with each other and then gives something back.

For example, a child started talking to another one and the child that was being talked to, talked back.