Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi Hannah
I am so impressed with the scenes that you and Sophie have created for your story!  You have both spent a lot of time to get them just the way you want them.  I am really looking forward to the completion of your story on Garageband - the use of different voices, sound effects and background music will help to enhance your images even more.  Well done on your great effort!

Talent Development!

Today for talent development we finished making our scenes for our story
and have started putting them into Garageband to make our actual story that
we will then enter into the MADE Awards and we hope we will win!
Next week is the last week we have to finish everything.
Here is another on of our scenes that we really like.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Talent Development

Today for Talent Development I edited my script for story writing.
It's coming along really well and I am hoping to be finished next week because I need to start
making my movie to enter into the MADE Awards.
Today I also made a few more scenes for the story.

This one is where the bad guy (Rodger) has crashed the 
plane on purpose and is about to leave Savanna by herself in the desert.

Talent Development!

Today Sophie and I learnt how to use Kid-Pix.
It was so fun but Sophie and I have decided to use Garageband for
our story. We have started to plan what our scenes will look like.
We have done a few and they look awesome.
Here is one we have done!
This one is when the post man is dropping a letter
of to Cleopatra from Savanna her daughter!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hi Hannah.
You had a busy writing session yesterday!  It was great to see you and Sophie nearing the end of your story writing, and looking towards producing it using either Garageband or Kid-Pix.  You listened, and were patient during the overview of Kid-Pix, and you used the rest of your time wisely to continue with your writing, as well as trying out the new skills you learnt with Kid-Pix.  You always have such a positive, can-do attitude.  It's great to see you working so well.